
VenturusAI is a tool that uses GPT-3 technology to generate an analysis of your business idea and provide feedback on how to make it successful. You can create a report with your idea and receive an evaluation on the problem it solves, potential market, competition, revenue model, and risks. VenturusAI is currently in beta and offers 10 free reports per day for users to try.

Some of the features of VenturusAI are:

  • Allows you to create a report on your business idea with just a brief description.
  • Generates a GPT-3 based evaluation on the problem your idea solves, potential market, competition, revenue model, and risks.
  • Provides instant feedback on how to improve your idea and make it more viable.
  • Lets you view FAQs about the tool and the reports generated.
  • Allows you to share reports with others and delete your account if desired.

Link: VenturusAI